
make your financial messages heard and understood


the medium is the message

You spend weeks preparing your earnings messages for analysts and shareholders. You refine them over and over again. The COMEX has signed off, the Board has signed off. E-Day arrives and… the market has not understood a single thing of what you wanted to convey. The share price languishes even though you have had a good financial performance. Or worse, an earnings miss sends the share price into a tailspin.

Don’t fall into the trap of, “But that is not what we said!” The market hears only what it understands.

LPM Conseil works with your financial communications team to prepare impactful messages that convey exactly what management wants the market to understand.


Primary services AVAILABLE

  • Advisory services for private equity firms

  • Drafting and perfection of earnings press releases as well as remote and/or in-person presentations

  • Proposition and refinement of a company’s value-creation proposition for investors & analysts

  • AGM planning and logistics

  • Training: "IR basics"​ and "How to talk to global investors and analysts"​

  • Reverse roadshow and capital markets event organization

  • 24/7 crisis communication management